Saturday, December 11, 2010


December 11, 2010

Keep the long gun registry.

Randy Kamp, M.P.> cc gc PM
Pitt Meadows--Maple Ridge--Mission

Dear Randy,

Exec. Summary
1. The issue is still open for decision
2. Keeping the long gun registry is the right decision.
3. Keeping the long gun registry is the politically adroit move.

1. The Conservative polling firm phoned today soliciting views on this issue. This tells me the conservatives are wisely continuing to evaluate their options. So should you as my representative.

2. Keeping the registry is the right decision.

2a. Guns are dangerous and the fewer we have in our society the better. The more messages in that direction that the government sends- the better. Many folks with guns they really have no need for will get rid of them rather than register. Good. Fewer guns fewer problems.

2b. The gun registry. A good idea but initially executed with the usual Liberal inept management of costs. Now that it is up and running the past costs are sunk costs. The marginal costs of keeping it operating are worth the benefits in public safety. I think primarily of domestic violence, gun accidents, and suicides. Harper is an economist. He is familiar with the idea of marginal cost. Remind him of the fact. More important is to stop referring to the dead and gone past sunk costs as if they have any relevance now. Emphasize how conservatives can run it efficiently and effectively

Now that it is up and running, surely the conservatives are good enough managers to set the fee and manage the costs so that it is a cash break even operation. In various parts of our country we can register dogs, cats, bicycles, cars, people [voters lists], etc. etc. It is just not believable that we cannot register guns on a break even basis.

2c. The only people supporting reducing the control on guns are the gun nuts and the farmers and hunters who are too lazy or cheap to register.

2d. The Canadian Police Association and the Chiefs of Police support the continuing registration. I support our chiefs of police. Do you? Yes there are some officers with the opposite view. Some officers are gun nuts. The chiefs are the ones with the best overall view.

2e. Remember that Al Capone was brought down not for his criminal gang acts but for his income tax non acts. Presently many individuals accused of criminal acts get away on technicalities having to do with evidence. Unregistered firearms are a case of easy evidence and easy conviction.

3. Keeping the long gun registry is the politically adroit move.
The conservatives should simply lay low, do nothing, and allow the issue to die down, leaving the registry to quietly and efficiently operate. Yes there will be some disgruntled members of the party but they will not defect as there is nowhere for them to go. They will not join other parties and they will continue to vote Conservative.
Meanwhile the moderate conservatives, those who in my mind have a degree of common sense, will stick by the party rather than give up in despair. I dismiss the rumors that the NRA is active in lobbying the Conservative party.

Finally Randy, and on a somewhat personal note, close your eyes in meditative prayer and imagine Jesus owning a gun.

Daniel McDonald