Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Protests and Common Courtesy

Walking to the skytrain station I find the major intersection of Granville and Georgia blocked with protesters and my ears assaulted by loudspeaker enhanced rants. Transit and traffic are tied up. Hundreds of people inconvenienced.

What in the world are those folks thinking? My reaction is that any person or group who is so lacking in common courtesy does not deserve a moment of my time or thought. Discourtesy has an impact on their message, if indeed they have any message. I simply hurry past with a bad taste in my mouth having saved my eardrums by turning off my hearing aids.

If they had been distributing pamphlets without blocking traffic I probably would have read their writings. Of course that would have required the capacity to have ideas, positions, analysis, and the capability to write clearly.

What Vancouver needs is a Hyde Park equivalent where polished orators can display their ideas and talents and at the same time provide a role model for the present ill structured protesters.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

HST Sober Second Thoughts: Snatch Victory from Defeat

The recent referendum vote to abandon the HST tax and revert to the old GST+PST is viewed by many as a defeat for the liberal party in British Columbia.

My view is that it was a temper tantrum in response to a botched implementation, fanned by a former politician well past his "best before date". They succeeded in blurring the distinction between the mode of decision and implementation and the validity of the policy itself. The tantrum is over. The liberals can be contrite about the implementation and still take the opportunity to snatch victory from defeat. Here is a blunt blueprint that would require considerable massaging by political spinmasters.

Call an immediate fall provincial election.

Declare that the liberal party has paused and had sober second thoughts and that it is time for voters to also pause for sober second thoughts.
It is time to either move forward with the liberals or move backward with the NDP and that it is decision time.

Campaign on the issue of good government, fiscal responsibility, reliance on knowledgeable experts, and continuation with the HST. Perhaps make some minor adjustments but keep the framework and avoid the costly disruption of a revert to the PST.

Declare firmly that if the electorate is serious about following Adrian Dix and the NDP [as inspired by Bill Vander Zalm] as they march pig headedly back to the past then so be it, but that the liberals are not prepared to lead in that direction.

Yes there is some risk that the NDP would win, with predictable results. Perhaps that is what the electorate deserves.

The failed recall initiatives are probably a better indicator of genuine political sentiment than is the toxic HST referendum campaign.

The odds are with a party that is clear that it will not lead in a wrong direction on tax policies that are detrimental to provincial finances in the long run.

If the liberals cannot do a better job than they did in garnering support for their position on the HST referendum then indeed they do not have the leadership which this province deserves. In that case we are in a dismal position with no genuine leadership in sight. The NDP under Adrian Dix simply used the HST referendum as advance campaigning for the party.

Notice that Adrian Dix did not initially condemn the HST but waited until he saw the way the wind was blowing. He will be hard pressed to give a rational for the mix of irrational exemptions that were present in the old PST. He will be vulnerable in disregarding the views of economists.

I feel confident that there are enough supporters in the NDP party with enough financial competence to know that the HST is a better tax system. Their heart will not be in a campaign focused on returning to the PST.

In addition there are enough moderate voters who can recognize good professional level economic advice, and a degree of sober leadership.

If the liberals call the bluff of the NDP and call a snap election, it will indeed be interesting times in BC.

This is a no lose blueprint for the liberals.
If they "lose" a snap election they will avoid governing in period of financial difficulty that will be impossible for the NDP to carry off successfully.
If they "win" the election they will have succeeded in bringing a majority of the electors face to face with the realities of the financial situation which the province now faces.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 2011 Speech from the Throne

June 5, 2011
Comments on throne speech

Hi Randy,

Again my congratulations on your re-election. My first was the day before the election!

I send you my reaction to the throne speech in the spirit of
"Each of us aspires to a Canada where everyone can succeed and contribute, where excellence and opportunity coexist."

Each observation is given a numeric score.
10= good move and important
1 = ok move but not important
0 = vague, meaningless
-1 = bad move but not important
-10= bad move and important issue.

Average score over the 60 issues I noted = 3.0

First I will note some areas that seem important to me but are either not dealt with or thinly mentioned.

- foreign policy. Harper's willingness to have an independent policy even when in conflict with the US is refreshing; e.g. Israel and 1967 borders.

- immigration is touched on, but in isolation from economic progress.
- free trade is mentioned frequently but in such contradictory ways as to have little meaning.

Now some detailed scores, "quotes", and comments.
0 ="It will continue to focus on jobs and growth."

8= "It will bring the federal budget back into balance." would get a 10 if more specific. More later

8="It will invest in our system of universal health care." would get a 10 if more specific.
8= "Our Government will defend the rights of law-abiding citizens." a basic justification for a government.

"..Government will reintroduce our Budget, in order to implement the next phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan—our low tax plan for jobs and growth. See above for score 8 re budget.

10 ".. create the right conditions for growth and job creation: a stable, predictable, low-tax environment..". I have been generous in overcounting overlapping vague references.

1 "support for innovation and new technologies." Sounds good but government has miserable record in identifying winners.

10 ".. wider access to markets abroad". YES free trade is crucial. Does this include import of milk from the US?

-5 "introducing new tax credits for individuals and families". Just simplify tax rather than tinker and cater to special interests.

4 "complete work already underway with the Government of Quebec to reach an agreement on tax harmonization no later than September 15, 2011." Good luck on that. Hope you can accomplish without caving in to special interests

0 "Our Government’s plan will provide assistance for workers who want to learn new skills and seize opportunities". Too vague to be meaningful.

8 "Our Government will introduce and seek swift passage of copyright legislation that balances the needs of creators and users." Nice trick if you can do it.

-10 "our Government will continue to make targeted investments to promote and encourage research and development in Canada's private sector". Likely to be a waste. The private sector can take care of itself.

10 "and in our universities, colleges and polytechnics.". Yes this is the most likely area for government investment to pay off.

0 "It will also release and implement a Digital Economy Strategy that enhances digital infrastructure and encourages Canadian businesses to adopt digital technologies and provide digital-skills training for their employees and new hires." Bafflegab. Businesses are capable of identifying and implementing technologies when it is cost effective to do so.

8 "..will continue to cut red tape for small businesses so that they can focus their attention on growing their businesses and creating jobs". Good idea but "continue"?; I had not noticed any start.

10 "… free trade agreements covering eight countries, and negotiations covering some fifty more are underway.". Yes get on with it—and add free trade between provinces. Why no mention of Doah round of WTO? I am overly generous with the 10.

"Our Government will aim to complete negotiations on a free trade agreement with the European Union by 2012. It will also seek to complete negotiations on a free trade agreement with India in 2013." Good but this counts in the 10 above for free trade.

-10 "In all international forums and bilateral negotiations, our Government will continue to stand up for Canadian farmers and industries by defending supply management." You just lost it. Are you for free trade or not?. How about standing up for consumers of milk, eggs,. cheese etc. Note that farmers of most products e.g. beef, pork, berry crops, tree fruits can cope without your "supply management" interference in markets.

5 "We will strengthen our collaboration to streamline and secure our border and enhance regulatory cooperation, ensuring that people and goods can flow freely and safely between our two countries." Face facts, the elephant next door will invariably call the shots.

1 "Our Government will continue to welcome foreign investment that benefits Canada." Not much effort required here. Just stay out of the way and capital will flow to productive uses. Note also that foreign investment is just one aspect of free trade.

8 ".. move forward with willing partners to establish a new national securities regulator.." Good move. We do not need 10 bureaucracies

10 "We must eliminate the deficit and return to balanced budgets to ensure that our economy can continue to grow and create jobs and that the federal government will have sufficient fiscal flexibility for future choices." Somewhat vague but very important.

10 "we will undertake a Strategic and Operating Review of government spending led by a new Cabinet subcommittee established for this purpose. This review will be focused on reducing the cost of government". The liberals did this, don't re-invent the entire wheel. Make use of past studies. In particular follow through on
" and continue specific measures to restrain the growth of government expenditures." I am holding my breath and waiting for some announcements on this.

-10 "Our Government will also complete its stimulus package as promised". Give up on this political grandstanding favoritism.

0 "Our Government’s plan will put us on a strong footing to resume paying down the federal debt, further reduce taxes on families and continue investing in priorities." What a repetitive speech.

1 "..our Government’s low-tax plan will permanently enhance the Guaranteed Income Supplement for some 680,000 of Canada’s most vulnerable seniors." Yes, very important and already in place. Nothing new here.

8 "..will work with provincial and territorial partners to implement the Pooled Registered Pension Plan." Very good idea.

10 "The new Family Caregiver Tax Credit will support those who care for a dependent family member who is infirm. In addition, our Government will remove the cap on eligible expenses that caregivers can claim under the Medical Expense Tax Credit." Yes this is an increasing problem.

-5 "…establishing a Children’s Arts Tax Credit". Just another pointless tinkering with the already overly complex income tax act. Parents can choose which aspects of their child's development requires their attention and there is no end of available mechanisms already.

0 "Our Government is committed to respecting provincial jurisdiction and working with the provinces and territories to ensure that the health care system is sustainable and that there is accountability for results. It will maintain the six percent escalator for the Canada Health Transfer, while working collaboratively with provincial partners to renew the Health Accord and to continue reducing wait times. As has been done before, our Government will enter into a separate agreement with the Government of Quebec regarding the implementation of the renewed Health Accord.". Important but so vague as to be meaningless.

0 "our Government will also continue to pursue a stable, principled foreign policy that advances Canada’s interests." Good but vague, that is what we expect and nothing new here.

-10 "As part of our ongoing efforts to promote human rights, our Government will create a new Office of Religious Freedom to help protect religious minorities and to promote the pluralism that is essential to the development of free and democratic societies." Ample mechanisms are in place. The last thing we need is a different version of the existing Human rights Commissions.

-5 [for entire bafflegab about immigration] "Our Government is committed to protecting the integrity of our immigration system." This is an area that needs some specifics. The existing system is a mess and if you "protect it" that seems to mean leave it unchanged. .

"… It will introduce measures to address marriage fraud—an abuse of our system that can victimize unsuspecting Canadians and vulnerable immigrants." Good but can probably be handled within a reasonable re work of the entire system.

"Our Government will also reintroduce legislation to combat human smuggling" Good can be handled in rework of system.

8 exercise leadership in the stewardship of northern lands and waters. It is also committed to working with the Northwest Territories and the private sector to complete the Dempster Highway—by linking Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk". Would have been a 10 if some mention of securing our just territorial boundaries and jurisdiction.

1 "..the development of a National Conservation Plan, to move our conservation objectives forward and better connect all Canadians with nature." The government suffers from forever planning and delaying getting on with things.

10 "It will support major new clean energy projects of national or regional significance, such as the planned Lower Churchill hydroelectricity project in Atlantic Canada. It will engage the provinces, territories and industry on ways to improve the regulatory and environmental assessment process for resource projects, while ensuring meaningful consultation with affected communities, including Aboriginal communities."

-2 "Our Government will move quickly to reintroduce comprehensive law-and-order legislation to combat crime and terrorism." Better to focus on prevention. Better to focus on the proven programs for reducing recidivism.

2 "These measures will protect children from sex offenders" Existing laws are sufficient.

2. "They will eliminate house arrest and pardons for serious crimes."

0 "They will give law enforcement officials, courts and victims the legal tools they need to fight criminals and terrorists. " Sounds good. Too vague.

5 "Our Government will continue to protect the most vulnerable in society and work to prevent crime."

-2 "It will propose tougher sentences for those who abuse seniors" Tougher sentences are unlikely to be a solution. I suspect present laws are sufficient.

0 "and will help at risk youth avoid gangs and criminal activity." Good idea vague and meaningless.

0 "It will address the problem of violence against women and girls. Good idea vague and meaningless.

2 "Our Government will reintroduce legislation to clarify and strengthen laws on self-defence, defence of property and citizen’s arrest."

0 "Our Government will also continue to implement its response to the Air India Report." Meaningless. How many years does it take to "implement" and what "response" is being "implemented"?

-5 "Our Government will act on its promise to introduce legislation to end the wasteful and ineffective long-gun registry." I remember the Harper speech saying he has heard the voice of hunters and farmers. I wish he had hear the voice of the chiefs of police. An implicit admission that the government views itself as incompetent to operate the registry on a break even basis. A significant instance of ignoring the recommendations of experts.

8 "..introduce legislation to ensure that western farmers have the freedom to sell wheat and barley on the open market." Now how about the freedom of farmers to produce and sell as much milk, eggs, as they wish to the open market.

0 "…by providing new investments in First Nations Land Management. It will promote access to clean water and the deployment of clean energy technology in Aboriginal and northern communities." Probably well intentioned but most such investment has, in the past, been wasted and ineffective.

10 " We will also expand adult basic education programming in the territories to help to increase education and employment levels."

10 "Our Government will also introduce legislation to ensure that people living on reserve have the same matrimonial real property rights and protections as other Canadians." Good as far as it goes. What about property rights in general quite apart from the matrimonial issue?

0 "..we will provide the principled, accountable leadership and good, clean government that Canadians deserve." I should hope so.

2 ".. and it will now move forward on its long-standing commitment to democratic reform." Important but vague. I look forward to less "whipping" and more free votes in parliament.

8 "Reform of the Senate remains a priority for our Government. Our Government will reintroduce legislation to limit term lengths and to encourage provinces and territories to hold elections for Senate nominees."

10 "Our Government will reintroduce legislation to restore fair representation in the House of Commons." Important and unlikely. The conservatives cannot even agree on what is fair representation within their own party when convention time rolls around.

5 "It will take steps to phase out direct taxpayer subsidies to federal political parties over the next three years." Good move. Individuals can make $2 donations directly to the party of their choice. Folks who don't pay any income tax will have to face up to paying their own money rather than rely on other peoples money.

4 "It will support transparency for First Nations communities by requiring their chiefs and councillors to publish their salaries and expenses." Good luck on this. It won't happen.

0 "Our Government will also support the efforts of the Public Service to modernize the way it works so that it can continue to provide the highest standard of service to Canadians." Vague. It assumes the "public service" is interested in the topic. Try sending an e-mail to most government departments e.g. the income tax department. so much for "modernization".

10 "In filling the two upcoming vacancies on the Supreme Court of Canada, our Government will engage parliamentarians through the transparent process first used in 2006." Yes Yes

8 "Our Government will also ensure that citizens, the private sector and other partners have improved access to the workings of government through open data, open information and open dialogue." I wish I could believe you on this one. The track record of the Conservatives has been miserable on this.

0 "Government will move swiftly to deliver the next important phase of the Economic Action Plan." More endless repetition.

"May Divine Providence guide you in your deliberations and make you equal to the trust bestowed upon you." Has not worked very well so far.

I would prefer greater trust in the reports of experts in the various fields. Please, more evidence based policies rather than ideologies.

Best regards,
Daniel McDonald
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