Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Protests and Common Courtesy

Walking to the skytrain station I find the major intersection of Granville and Georgia blocked with protesters and my ears assaulted by loudspeaker enhanced rants. Transit and traffic are tied up. Hundreds of people inconvenienced.

What in the world are those folks thinking? My reaction is that any person or group who is so lacking in common courtesy does not deserve a moment of my time or thought. Discourtesy has an impact on their message, if indeed they have any message. I simply hurry past with a bad taste in my mouth having saved my eardrums by turning off my hearing aids.

If they had been distributing pamphlets without blocking traffic I probably would have read their writings. Of course that would have required the capacity to have ideas, positions, analysis, and the capability to write clearly.

What Vancouver needs is a Hyde Park equivalent where polished orators can display their ideas and talents and at the same time provide a role model for the present ill structured protesters.