Monday, January 26, 2009

Oposition Or Team 2

January 10 2008
In Canada we have this disfunctional heritage of calling the second most numberous party in our parliament "the opposition".

They take it literally

They seem to believe their job is to oppose everything.

In my view they should be the constructive critic and work toward extablishing themselves as the party with better ideas.

So, solution is Party 1 , Party 2 , Party 3 etc.

The current Party 3 , the NDP, is so fixed on the role of opposition that they have announced that they will work to defeat the budget which will be announced on Tuesday. They are prepared now to say they will vote against in tomorrow, without having read it.

So much for expecting our politicians to be constructive.

February 17, 2009
Today our leader of team Michael Ignatieff said "I'm in this business to win a majority Liberal government.."

What I wish he had said is " As leader of team 2 my job is to be a constructive participant in making parliament work for the benefit of the people of Canada. When an election is called my job will be to win a majority government. When I built a solid track record as number 2 then the electorate will promote me to number 1 without hesitation".

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