Sunday, March 8, 2009

Income Tax Complexity a Modest Solution

Each year I have a rising sense of frustration and outrage at our tax system.

I now must buy a software package and spend a minimum of 1 day preparing my tax return. Without the tax software I would find it impossible to do it myself. That is true for most folks. They hire someone.

There seems to be no automatic factor governing the year by year increase in complexity and therefore in cost and in frustration and outrage.

A modest proposal. Just imagine that in a fit of sanity the House of Commons adopted a house rule requiring all MP's to submit a letter confirming that they had prepared their own tax return without any assistance from either software or people. Surely they are all bright enough to do that. If they have difficulties with that task they might seriously work toward simplification.

My son had a more radical suggestion: that a special session of the House be held each year for the MP's to prepare their tax returns in one massive weeping and wailing session. It would play well on TV.

Some of our representatives might feel that this was not a good use of their time, that they have more important things to do.

Don't we all.

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