Monday, February 2, 2009

Nanny State. Seat belts and cell phones

Our nanny states makes it illegal to drive without seat belts in place. It allegedly protects me from myself while I am quite capable of doing that myself. I have consitently used seat belts since at least 1962 well before they were even standard equipment. Fair enough to require seat belts for children because their parents may not have enough common sense to protect their own children.

Now the contrast.

Other people using cell phones while they drive are a clear danger to me and to the public in general. The statistics are compelling. Clearly a case for a law forbidding cell phones while driving. Even hands free. Yet politicians in our jurisdiction are reluctant to do the right thing.

Yes there are other distractions to drivers. However this is one that is relatively easy to enforce. The evidence is in the cell phone log.


  1. I agree. But we have timid politicians, not leaders

  2. Then flood them with e-mails saying you feel at risk fromcell phone users. Go to ?? and you can find a list of all e-mails for all MPS
