Sunday, February 22, 2009

Price fixing by bureaucrats

"The Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Annual Report on Canadians’ Health reveals startling discrepancies between the cost and accessibility of basic healthy food within provinces and across the country. Depending on where you live, some Canadians are often paying more than double to almost six times the price for the same basic healthy food." [].

I certainly don't want to denigrate the good work which the Foundation does.

It rankles however to see findings in a survey that:
86% of the respondents believe that the government should "Regulate the price of nutritious foods to ensure they are equally affordable in all regions of Canada".

It boggles my mind how some government functionaries would go about deciding what the price should be. Worse, if they do regulate prices and set them too low then obviously the distributors and retailers will simply stop stocking them. Next I suppose would be a bureaucracy that also sets minimum stocking levels.

Madness feeds on madness.

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