Thursday, January 7, 2010


At last our province has enacted legislation banning the use of hand held devices while driving. A good first step but too timid.

The evidence is clear, the use of cell phones increases accident rates. Further the increase in accident rates is equally high for hands free cell phone use.

Yes there are other things that increase accident rates, but this is one identifiable cause that can be dealt with.

Cell phone use by others on the road endangers by life and it endangers your life.

It is the proper role of government to act to protect innocent citizens from the willful acts of others.

We have a law requiring seat belts. While that is a good idea, I really don't need a law to protect me from me.

Enforcement of the seat belt law has been reasonably easy and compliance is high.
Enforcement of cell phone use is even easier as evidence exists in the cell phone log.

This is not an inappropriate restriction on personal freedom. It is a restriction aimed at protecting individuals from the actions of others.

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