Tuesday, February 2, 2010


My friend, call him Bill, is no friend of Stephen Harper so I was not much surprised at the length and vehemence of his recent rant about Harper participating in a perogation. I know that Harper is somewhat reluctant to participate in celebrations of any kind but that if he thinks it will advance his cause he will put up with a lot.

Bill was thoroughly into his analysis talking about Harper always cooking up a storm and running his kitchen with the discipline of a Michelin level chef with a class of novices. Yes he had managed to keep his cabinet whistle clean but of course that was absolutely necessary to avoid bad odors. Undoubtedly some of his underlings are unhappy with his authoritarian ways but too many cooks spoil the broth and you can't even make an omelet without breaking eggs. He is even reputed to have told some of them that if they can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen.

Bill gradually wound himself down muttering that Harper would win no prizes with this batch, and that he would probably just continue with his peroging at least until the Olympics were over.
As for the perogies, no matter how he butters them they won't win the west.

The folks in Edmonton are good judges of perogies. If Harper won they would complain that once again the powers in Ottawa were stealing a western treasure. In this case it would not be a recipe for rebellion but a rebellion for recipes.

He concluded that there is no way that Harper could produce a win even is he was using his Ukrainian contacts for advice on how to go about making the right motions.

By this time I was certainly feeling puzzled. But was I puzzled about Bill's rant or about Harper's alleged participation in a cook off? Whatever it was, it was a strange mixture.

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