Sunday, February 28, 2010

Toyota, Toyoda, and Political Correctness

The US congress always ready for instant theatre called Akio Toyoda to testify before a House committee. They also heard testimony from Rhonda Smith, whose tale of a runaway Toyota included a frantic cell phone call to her husband and the claim that Jesus took the wheel and saved the day.

Toyoda was duly apologetic and humble as behooves anyone appearing before such an august body and probably in keeping with the Japanese mode of taking responsibility.

At the risk of blaming the victims someone somewhere must risk approbation by violating political correctness. Here goes.

Listen up folks. Automobiles are powerful and complex machines.
If you drive one, learn the basics.
Just as "head bone connected to the neck bone" as the spiritual goes, in an automobile the engine is not connected to the wheels. It is connected to the transmission, which in turn is connected to the wheels.

If your accelerator locks up and the car speeds up dangerously. Shift into neutral. Disconnect the engine from the transmission. Coast to a safe stop. Then turn off the engine.

It is just as important to know how to operate your automobile as it is to operate your cell phone.

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