Friday, March 5, 2010


The winter Olympics have ended in Vancouver. 86 medal events equals minimum of 258 medals and more considering team events. This month it is Oscars in Los Angeles with 96 Oscar categories.

What this world needs is to supersize: the Olympics of Politics. With 203 sovereign states, 20 top political positions, 3 medals per position gives a grand total of 12,180 medals. Now that would be truly Olympian.

An Olympian organization would be required and who better than the United Nations? As for judges the UN could easily establish a Polympian Secretariat. Naturally the UNPS would require a representative from each of the 203 sovereign states. Voting would be democratic with one vote per representative on each question.

The headquarters could be rotated among the 203 countries at 10-year intervals to keep the 203 countries interested for at least 2,030 years. Attracting a television audience and sponsors might both prove difficult. With appropriate arm twisting from the UN, the 203 sovereign states, and an uncountable number of NGO's such problems could probably be overcome.

Please do not leak this blog to the UN. They just might take it seriously.

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