Friday, May 21, 2010


April 26, 2010

Free trade and dialogue

Hi to my representatives,

2 themes. Free trade and dialogue between constituents and their representative.

First let me introduce myself. I lean heavily toward libertarianism, I believe in the maximum possible personal liberty, I believe in a minimum of government, I believe markets are more efficient and effective at setting prices and allocating resources than are bureaucrats and politicians. I believe in these values more strongly than does either our federal conservatives or our provincial liberals. I claim to be a better economist than Stephen Harper. You can check out my credentials at :

Everyone is in favor of free trade. Well not quite, everyone is in favor of "free trade except for x,y,z". I am in favor of free trade full stop.

A National Post editorial of April 16 highlighted the danger that our existing dairy and egg cartels [a.k.a. "supply management"] pose to freer trade.

At issue is the probability we are inadmissible to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

They rightly say we will not gain admission unless we dismantle our agricultural cartels.

We are hypocrites. We angrily rail at the US on free trade in lumber and fail to acknowledge the timber in our own eye.

This is both a provincial and a federal issue.
I ask for a clear statement from each of you as to your party's stance AND your personal stance on free trade in general and on the agricultural cartels in particular.

[note: the remainder of the communication dealt with DIALOGUE AND TRANSPARENCY and was posted as a blog with title "BLOGS FOR POLITICIANS posted May 19, 2010"]

Daniel McDonald
NOTE: The replies will be posted as separate comments by Daniel. This will keep the thread of communication clear for each of the 3 representatives.
May 21 update note.
Replies from Randy Hawes and Marc Dalton have been posted by Daniel as comments.
No reply to date from Randy Kamp.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Wed, 19 May 2010 21:55:22 -0700
Dan McDonald

Audit of MP expenses.

Dear Mr. Kamp,

I despair at my attempts to provide good, albeit, unsolicited advice to you.

Please come out strongly with your personal support for the Auditor General of Canada to conduct a value for money audit of MP expenses.

If possible, persuade the Conservative Party to do likewise.

If you or your party have good reasons to continue to balk at this idea then please send them to me and I will post them on my blog. Do not use the "we are already audited" lame excuse. That is a financial audit and what taxpayers want and deserve is a value for money audit.

This is simply a no win stance that slows you down in getting on with good government.

Act fast, the Liberals or the NDP will soon wake up and reverse their stance leaving the Conservatives as those with something to hide.

Daniel McDonald
32502 Best Ave.
Mission B.C. V2V 2S6 604.820.9310

May 21
Boilerplate reply follows. I wonder if there will be any reply of substance.
RE: losing faith
Fri, 21 May 2010 13:14:03 -0400



Dear Mr. McDonald,

Thank you for taking the time to write to the office of Randy Kamp, Member of Parliament for Pitt Meadows--Maple Ridge--Mission. I will pass your message and link along to Mr. Kamp so that he is aware of your views on this issue.


Curtis Schoblocher
Parliamentary Assistant
Office of Randy Kamp, MP
Pitt Meadows--Maple Ridge--Mission


Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:17 AM
To:;; Dalton.MLA, Marc; Hawes.MLA, Randy
Subject: Free trade and dialogue

April 26, 2010

Free trade and dialogue

Hi to my representatives,

2 themes. Free trade and dialogue between constituents and their representative.

First let me introduce myself. I lean heavily toward libertarianism, I believe in the maximum possible personal liberty, I believe in a minimum of government, I believe markets are more efficient and effective at setting prices and allocating resources than are bureaucrats and politicians. I believe in these values more strongly than does either our federal conservatives or our provincial liberals. I claim to be a better economist than Stephen Harper. You can check out my credentials at :



This request for response/dialogue leads to my second theme. I do admire the 3 of you for devoting yourself to public service. Both Randy's have corresponded with me and I appreciate that.
You cannot possible spend the time and effort preparing thoughtful responses to all of the issues that are thrown at you.

Take a load off your feet and embrace technology.

I have check all 3 of your web sites looking for the adoption of technology to improve your effectiveness and efficiency.

Blogs are easy to use for both the blogger and those who comment and interact. They can be tremendously effective as a demonstration of transparency and dialogue in action.

Randy Kamp, web site has riding news but no blog. No aspect of site for meaningful dialogue.

Randy Hawes, web site does have reference to the caucus tweets. Tweets are for twerps, too short for meaningful dialogue. No blog for Randy himself.

Marc Dalton web site. No reference to any blog or to any use of technology.

Conclusion none of you three are making effective use of technology to engage with your constituents.

For example, if you had a blog, and wanted to dialogue with me on my free trade issue then you simply copy and paste my e-mail into your blog and then prepare your response. If/when you get similar letters or questions you simply say "been there, done that see my blog of [date]"

There is more than effectiveness and efficiency involved. Governments, legislators, and politicians are not held in particularly high regard these days. Part of it is the lack of transparency.

I realize that you are in the difficult position of having to both represent your constituents and at the same time provide leadership.

On the transparency issue, you may or may not reply to my free trade issue. If you do, you may take the contrary position when you respond to others or when you participate in caucus discussions. If you believe in transparency and straightforwardness you put your position in writing – on your blog. Yes conditions change, yes your position may change, and a blog entry can explain the reason for the change.

Transparency is like free trade; everyone is in favor of "transparency". No quite. Everyone is in favor of "transparency except for x,y,z…"

The cynic in me says that if you air the idea of having your own blog to be candid with your constituents and the public, that the powers that be within your party will advise you not to do it. This applies particularly to you Randy Kamp as Harper has the reputation of not wanting individuals to be open and candid. You will likely accept their view.

I want to end on a positive note.
I am willing and able to spend some time with each of you or your office manager to get a blog set up for you. One of your children or grandchildren could probably do it faster and better and your web master could do it with more style and class, but I will put in the time if you ask.

Daniel McDonald

PS: This 77 year old created and maintains a blog. Might even put this missive on the blog along with your response. If you do not want your response to be posted, then say so now.


Sent: April 30, 2010 11:46 PM
To: Trost, Bradley - M.P.
Subject: Question re free trade

April 30, 2010

Question re free trade

Dear Mr. Trost,

I read with great interest your "Free Trade for Columbia" in today's
Financial Post.

Of course everyone is for free trade. Well not quite. Everyone is for
"free trade except for X,Y,Z..."

I'm more of a conservative than your party so naturally I agree with
your stance and with your article.

BUT, one thing puzzles me.
You say
"Free trade in agriculture will also allow the poor and other consumers
to purchase foodstuffs at lower prices because tariffs on Canadian
wheat, barley, lentils, peas and other crops will disappear. Thousands
of small Colombian bakeries will now have the option to buy Canadian
flour at the lowest possible price, making food more affordable for

I was under the impression that your party was for ""free trade except
for X,Y,and agricultural products...".

Please clarify for me exactly what your party's policy is with respect
to trade in agricultural products.

Thanks for your attention,
Daniel McDonald

RE: Question re free trade
Thu, 6 May 2010 15:58:52 -0400

Dear Mr. McDonald,

Thank you for your e-mail message. Your comments concerning Mr. Trost's OpEd in the Financial Post have been forwarded to his attention.

Due to the high volume of correspondence received, only constituents of Saskatoon-Humboldt will receive a further response.


Vikki Ruby
Assistant to Brad Trost, MP
113 Justice Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

May 19, 2010

request reference conservative policy

Dear Mr. Trost,

Your assistant, Vikki Ruby, has indicated that you will not respond further to my query regarding the conservative stance on free trade.

I feel disappointed.

Here I am doing my best to promote the Conservative Party, even to the extent of posting on my blog. You are frequently quoted in the press as being an MP well informed and an advocate of free trade.

My simple query was:
"Please clarify for me exactly what your party's policy is with respect to trade in agricultural products."

Surely the Conservatives have a policy and it would be easy for you to direct me to it.
I have tried the Conservative web site
It is not very helpful. Without a search capability I cannot find any reference to trade policy.

As is my policy I post my searches for information on my blog, along with the responses.
Daniel McDonald

FW: request reference conservative policy
Fri, 4 Jun 2010 14:18:43 -0400


Dear Mr. McDonald,

Thank you for your e-mail message. Due to the high volume of correspondance received, Mr. Trost must direct his attention to addressing the inquiries and concerns of his constituents.

However, we have forwarded your email to your Member of Parliament, Randy Kamp, for his consideration and response.


Vikki Ruby
Assistant to Brad Trost, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Feds flub festive funding while fiddling at the fringes of the problem.

The Federal Conservative government is facing widespread criticism for not providing any contribution to Toronto's Pride Week. This has engendered charges of homophobia against the Conservatives and provided another opportunity for the Liberals to heckle their ineptitude.

Had the Conservatives conformed to conservative principles they could have confirmed themselves as a party of principle and further demonstrated fiscal restraint.

Simple and straightforward conservatism from the beginning would have said:
1. We are in economic difficult times and it is time for fiscal restraint.
2. The Federal government will no longer fund projects that are clearly of local interest and benefit.
3. The initial application of this policy is that we will not be providing funding for local celebrations, parades [gay or sad], fireworks, rodeos, statues, parks, trails, and local beautification. All of these are examples of strictly local concerns where local analysis of costs and benefits should prevail. Instead of relying on other people's money they must learn to live within their own means.

Rather than a such a straight forward and relatively easy to administer policy the Federal government has spent a year of bureaucrats time craftily "restructuring the program" to define away the eligibility of the Toronto Gay Pride parade.

So now they stew in their own ill conceived past "policy" if the practice warrants the term. The original $400,000 grant which went to Gay Pride last year stirred up a storm of protest from a mixed bag of genuine fiscal conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and the homophobic. Now they stir up a storm of protest from those of the alternative persuasions. No win, no win all over again.

The program in question "Marquee Tourism Events Program" had a nice ring to it. In truth it was a "Conservative MP's Hand Out Other Peoples Money in Very Large Cheques to Garner Popular Local Support" program.

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?
Taxpayers and voters are not stupid. They would have accepted without question the straightforward conservative policy.

Reply from Randy Kamp MP
RE: losing faith
Thu, 3 Jun 2010 11:51:55 -0400


Thank you for your e-mail and for taking the time to write to me.

The gay pride parade to which you refer was funded in year one of a two-year stimulus program: Marquee Tourism Events Program (MTEP). The goal of MTEP is to provide a much-needed boost to the tourism industry which faced severe challenges at the beginning of the global recession.

Most of the funding in the first year went to the largest cities and the attempt was to spread out the year two funding to other regions and smaller cities. A number of events funded in year one did not receive funding this year, but 19 new beneficiaries did.



Randy Kamp, M.P.
Pitt Meadows--Maple Ridge--Mission


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Reading the press these days it is easy to have the impression that the European Union and the IMF are about to bail out the Greek government.

While that is certainly the surface appearance, there is more than meets the eye. The press has so far failed to take us beyond the surface.

The bail out is also a rescue for the investors in bonds issued by the Greek Government.

This is déjà vu all over again.

The world economy is still recovering from the "housing debt crisis". Better to have called that the "inept investment decisions relating to purchase of US mortgage backed securities"

Now we have the "inept investment decisions relating to purchase of Greek government debt".

Holders of Greek government bonds now realize they made bad investment decisions.
There are few clues as to who these holders are. Here is one
"Société Générale on Wednesday revealed for the first time a €3bn ($3.9bn) exposure to Greek government bonds as it announced a better-than-expected first-quarter net profit of €1.06bn."

If the EU and the IMF supply money to the Greek government to keep it afloat they may simply be serving to minimize investment losses in the European banking sector

A possible rationale is that the European banking sector is still recovering from the credit crunch that spread outward from the US housing market debacle. This may justify the move but does not justify being less than forthright and transparent as to the winners and losers in this sad tale.

Once again the rating agencies are closing barn doors too late.
"LISBON, Portugal — Portugal, striving to avoid becoming the next victim of Europe's debt crisis, was put on standby for a credit rating downgrade on Wednesday even as the government managed to raise some euro500 million ($654 million) on the bond markets.
Moody's Investor Services warned it may downgrade Portugal's Aa2 debt rating in the next three months, a week after its rival Standard & Poor's cut its rating and stoked market concerns that the crisis in Greece was spreading to other financially troubled countries in the eurozone."

In short, the sophisticated investors within the banking industry have made bad investments based on ineptness or laziness. The laziness relates to undue reliance on rating agencies who in turn have been inept or lazy.

The end result is that inept governments, issued debt to inept professional investors who were relying in part on inept rating agencies and now their losses will be significantly reduced by money supplied by the EU and the IMFto Greece. That money of course is not EU or IMF money, it is other peoples money and the other people are the taxpayers in Europe and around the world who pay taxes to support the EU and the IMF.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


My Dear Sovereign Queen,

This may come a busy time for you, what with the election in the offing and the exciting entertainment of the political debates. I too am embroiled in important busyness; the opposition wants pieces of paper about past events in some out of the way country; they are hot on the trail of the abortion debate, I recently dismissed a member of my caucus, and our parliament buildings are badly in need of repair.

These are distractions from important matters such as the state of our economy, and that brings me to the purpose of this e-mail. As an aside, I hope you are not offended by e-mails. It is true they lack the class of embossed stationary but they are efficient and they save on postage. We are looking for ways to reduce our budget deficit and the contract with your representative in Canada expires soon.

Your gentle and benevolent oversight of Canada has been much appreciated. It can probably continue via U tube and other modern conveniences for keeping an eye on what is going on in the world. We are almost 150 years old and are at a stage of economic and social development where we can stand on our own, unassisted.

My suggestion is that if you have a strong desire to have an on site representative, that you make the appointment and take care of all of the arrangements including salaries etc. etc.
I am sure that we could work out a satisfactory rental arrangement if you wished to have your representative continue to reside in and work from Rideau Hall.

I assure you that information appearing in wikipedia has had no bearing on my present emphasis on economizing. It is true that an irate taxpayer wrote to me recently in a flap about US paying for YOUR representative when you are so wealthy. The taxpayer even provided a quote from wikipedia:
"Both the Crown Estate and the Crown Land of Canada (comprising 89%[69] of Canada's area) are owned by the Sovereign in trust for the nation, and cannot be sold or owned by Elizabeth in a private capacity."

What is disturbing about the quote is that if I add in the % of Canada claimed by our first nations peoples we seem to be vastly over owned. Just goes to show you that it is wise to be somewhat hesitant in viewing Wikipedia as more reliable than our trusted advisors.

Naturally you will have some concern with maintaining the cohesion of the 16 nation Commonwealth. A facebook page might solve the problem, but a facebook page with only 16 friends would probably rank as lacking in friends. If the various Commonwealth countries required all their civil servants to become your friends that would surely vault you to the all time record for friends but of course would be entirely unwieldy. You might consider some to be unsavory characters. In my view the mid ground would be to just have MP's, Senators and Chief Justices as friends, although that still would not rule out unsavory characters.

I look forward to your reply, e-mail is OK, and in the meantime I have suspended all speculation regarding a possible new governor general.

With warm regards and curtsies,