Friday, May 21, 2010


April 26, 2010

Free trade and dialogue

Hi to my representatives,

2 themes. Free trade and dialogue between constituents and their representative.

First let me introduce myself. I lean heavily toward libertarianism, I believe in the maximum possible personal liberty, I believe in a minimum of government, I believe markets are more efficient and effective at setting prices and allocating resources than are bureaucrats and politicians. I believe in these values more strongly than does either our federal conservatives or our provincial liberals. I claim to be a better economist than Stephen Harper. You can check out my credentials at :

Everyone is in favor of free trade. Well not quite, everyone is in favor of "free trade except for x,y,z". I am in favor of free trade full stop.

A National Post editorial of April 16 highlighted the danger that our existing dairy and egg cartels [a.k.a. "supply management"] pose to freer trade.

At issue is the probability we are inadmissible to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

They rightly say we will not gain admission unless we dismantle our agricultural cartels.

We are hypocrites. We angrily rail at the US on free trade in lumber and fail to acknowledge the timber in our own eye.

This is both a provincial and a federal issue.
I ask for a clear statement from each of you as to your party's stance AND your personal stance on free trade in general and on the agricultural cartels in particular.

[note: the remainder of the communication dealt with DIALOGUE AND TRANSPARENCY and was posted as a blog with title "BLOGS FOR POLITICIANS posted May 19, 2010"]

Daniel McDonald
NOTE: The replies will be posted as separate comments by Daniel. This will keep the thread of communication clear for each of the 3 representatives.
May 21 update note.
Replies from Randy Hawes and Marc Dalton have been posted by Daniel as comments.
No reply to date from Randy Kamp.


  1. Daniel Posts reply from Randy Hawes MLA
    RE: Free trade and dialogue
    Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:52:44 -0700
    "Hawes.MLA, Randy"
    Dan McDonald

    I will take you up on your offer regarding the blog. The house is sitting right now, but over summer months if you are around, I would like to get together. I actually did start a blog but somehow did not continue and now forget how.
    With regards free trade, I agree however, if the agricultural cartels mean the supply quota system, there are huge problems with trying to dismantle that (especially with milk). Many people have financed their lives to buy quota and banks are into it up to their necks. I have had figures of over 30 billion dollars cost to take apart that system across the whole country.
    Hopefully we can talk about that soon.
    randy (Hawes not Kamp)

  2. Daniel Posts follow up with Marc Dalton MLA
    RE: thanks for response BUT incomplete
    Fri, 30 Apr 2010 15:16:33 -0700
    "Dalton.MLA, Marc"
    Dan McDonald


    I am supportive, in principle, of Free Trade and this government is also. It's demonstrated by the interprovincial trade agreement that we have with Alberta and expanding with Saskatchewan. We are advocating 'Open Skies' with the Federal government and we recognize that trade is a primary source of our economic prosperity. We support the Free Trade Agreement with the States.

    As for agriculture, that may be more nuanced. If you wish, I can get ask that Ministry to respond to your specific questions.

    Marc Dalton, MLA
    Maple Ridge - Mission
    yes ministry specifics please
    Sat, 01 May 2010 17:50:41 -0700
    Dan McDonald
    "Dalton.MLA, Marc"

    May 1, 2010

    yes ministry specifics please

    Hi Mar,

    Thanks for response. Support for free trade "in principle" is great but does not add much to information or action. Of course I don't know anyone or any party that is "against free trade in principle".

    I am most interested in "free trade in practice".

    I accept your offer to have the Ministry provide the specifics of the "nuanced" policy that clarifies the Liberal policy on free trade in agricultural products. I don't understand what a "nuanced" policy is.

    It is encouraging that Premier Gordon is in Regina in discussions to "reduce" trade barriers to trade and investment within the western provinces. What a shame the objective is not to "eliminate" and "within Canada".

    Brad Trost a conservative MP wrote an interesting article "Free Trade for Columbia" in Fridays Financial Post.
    A key paragraph was.
    "Free trade in agriculture will also allow the poor and other consumers to purchase foodstuffs at lower prices because tariffs on Canadian wheat, barley, lentils, peas and other crops will disappear. Thousands of small Colombian bakeries will now have the option to buy Canadian flour at the lowest possible price, making food more affordable for all."

    Now let me redraft this in provincial terms.
    "Free trade in agriculture will also allow the poor and other consumers in British Columbia to purchase foodstuffs at lower prices because the existing import tariffs on foodstuffs including dairy products and eggs will disappear. Thousands of British Columbians will have the option to buy in genuine free trade markets making food more affordable for all."

    I am assuming that you agree wholeheartedly and "in principle" with the Trost paragraph when it relates to consumers in Columbia. It is a "good thing" for you to support consumers.

    I assume you disagree wholeheartedly with my redraft for British Columbians despite your principles but in keeping with your "nuanced" views, and despite the fact that every one of your constituents is a consumer.

    Daniel McDonald
    32502 Best Ave.
    Mission B.C. V2V 2S6 604.820.9310
