Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:17 AM
To:;; Dalton.MLA, Marc; Hawes.MLA, Randy
Subject: Free trade and dialogue

April 26, 2010

Free trade and dialogue

Hi to my representatives,

2 themes. Free trade and dialogue between constituents and their representative.

First let me introduce myself. I lean heavily toward libertarianism, I believe in the maximum possible personal liberty, I believe in a minimum of government, I believe markets are more efficient and effective at setting prices and allocating resources than are bureaucrats and politicians. I believe in these values more strongly than does either our federal conservatives or our provincial liberals. I claim to be a better economist than Stephen Harper. You can check out my credentials at :



This request for response/dialogue leads to my second theme. I do admire the 3 of you for devoting yourself to public service. Both Randy's have corresponded with me and I appreciate that.
You cannot possible spend the time and effort preparing thoughtful responses to all of the issues that are thrown at you.

Take a load off your feet and embrace technology.

I have check all 3 of your web sites looking for the adoption of technology to improve your effectiveness and efficiency.

Blogs are easy to use for both the blogger and those who comment and interact. They can be tremendously effective as a demonstration of transparency and dialogue in action.

Randy Kamp, web site has riding news but no blog. No aspect of site for meaningful dialogue.

Randy Hawes, web site does have reference to the caucus tweets. Tweets are for twerps, too short for meaningful dialogue. No blog for Randy himself.

Marc Dalton web site. No reference to any blog or to any use of technology.

Conclusion none of you three are making effective use of technology to engage with your constituents.

For example, if you had a blog, and wanted to dialogue with me on my free trade issue then you simply copy and paste my e-mail into your blog and then prepare your response. If/when you get similar letters or questions you simply say "been there, done that see my blog of [date]"

There is more than effectiveness and efficiency involved. Governments, legislators, and politicians are not held in particularly high regard these days. Part of it is the lack of transparency.

I realize that you are in the difficult position of having to both represent your constituents and at the same time provide leadership.

On the transparency issue, you may or may not reply to my free trade issue. If you do, you may take the contrary position when you respond to others or when you participate in caucus discussions. If you believe in transparency and straightforwardness you put your position in writing – on your blog. Yes conditions change, yes your position may change, and a blog entry can explain the reason for the change.

Transparency is like free trade; everyone is in favor of "transparency". No quite. Everyone is in favor of "transparency except for x,y,z…"

The cynic in me says that if you air the idea of having your own blog to be candid with your constituents and the public, that the powers that be within your party will advise you not to do it. This applies particularly to you Randy Kamp as Harper has the reputation of not wanting individuals to be open and candid. You will likely accept their view.

I want to end on a positive note.
I am willing and able to spend some time with each of you or your office manager to get a blog set up for you. One of your children or grandchildren could probably do it faster and better and your web master could do it with more style and class, but I will put in the time if you ask.

Daniel McDonald

PS: This 77 year old created and maintains a blog. Might even put this missive on the blog along with your response. If you do not want your response to be posted, then say so now.

1 comment:

  1. Response from Randy Hawes.
    RE: Free trade and dialogue
    Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:52:44 -0700
    "Hawes.MLA, Randy"
    Dan McDonald

    I will take you up on your offer regarding the blog. The house is sitting right now, but over summer months if you are around, I would like to get together. I actually did start a blog but somehow did not continue and now forget how.
    With regards free trade, I agree however, if the agricultural cartels mean the supply quota system, there are huge problems with trying to dismantle that (especially with milk). Many people have financed their lives to buy quota and banks are into it up to their necks. I have had figures of over 30 billion dollars cost to take apart that system across the whole country.
    Hopefully we can talk about that soon.
    randy (Hawes not Kamp)
